Friday 19 June 2015

ASSURE Multimedia Lesson Plan: Setting the Bar on Breakfast Cereals

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan
Lesson Title: Setting the Bar on Breakfast Cereals
Grade Level: Grade 6
Lesson Length: 60-minute period

Analyze Learners
Learners’ general characteristics: The lesson is designed for Grade 6 students at Inarajan Middle School. The percentage of students in this school that are on the Free & Reduced Lunch program is 74%. Ethnicities of this school include Chamorro (82%), Pacific Islander (12%), Filipino (2%), CNMI (2%), White (1%) and Other (1%). Class is comprised of 15 students: 6 male students and 9 female students. Age ranges from 11 to 12-years-old. There are 5 ESL follow-up students and 2 ESL students currently going through consultation. Four students have listed Chamorro as their first language while 3 have listed Chuukese as their first language. Academic abilities and learning styles vary.
Entry characteristics:  The students in this class are familiar with accessing the Internet on a computer and can identify a nutrition label. Students have experience with cooperative learning groups. However, students will be creating a bar graph for the first time on the Internet.

Learning styles: (estimate % of students)
·      Visual: 30%
·      Auditory: 30%
·       Kinesthetic: 40%

State Objectives
The following are the Common Core Standards for Mathematics this lesson will address:
Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots.
Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by:
Reporting the number of observations.
Describing the nature of the attribute under investigation, including how it was measured and its units of measurement.

Objective 1: Students will be able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy breakfast cereals 2 out of 3 times by analyzing bar graphs of the amount of salt, fat and sugar of breakfast cereals.

Objective 2: Students will be able to describe at least 5 of the 6 different parts of a nutrition label using a provided sample nutrition label as a guide.

Select Methods, Media, and Materials
Cooperative Learning Groups

Images of breakfast cereals with corresponding nutrition label
1.    Cinnamon Toast Crunch
2.   Honey Nut Cheerios
3.   Total
4.   Frosted Flakes
5.    Special K
6.   Raisin Bran
Computer (mobile cart)
Computer and Projector
·      Rate Your Cereal
·      Questions Sheet
·      Advance Organizer
·      Data Collection Sheet

Online Math Tool Make Your Own Bar Graph
Digital Presentation (E-maze)

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Prepare the Materials: With the assistance of the librarian, the mobile cart of laptop computers (need 5-10 laptop computers) will have access to the Internet, Adobe Flash Player installed (need this for students to create bar graph) and charged. Make sure all handouts are photocopied with a few extra.

Prepare the Environment: Desks are to be arranged into groups of 3-4 to allow for small group work. Groups will not be given a computer laptop until data collection is complete and verified.

Prepare the Learner: Students were introduced to the purpose and characteristics of a bar graph prior to this lesson. Students can refer to notes or the Bar Graph Review sheet as needed.


Cooperative Learning Groups Students will be placed into groups of three (3). Each member will be given a role: recorder, researcher, and fact checker (double-checker)/speaker. Each role will be alternated as the group collects data for the next cereal so that each member has an opportunity to be in each role.


Images of breakfast cereals with corresponding nutrition label Students will use the images for discussion and to collect sugar, salt and fat information
1.  Cinnamon Toast Crunch
2.  Honey Nut Cheerios
3.  Total
4. Frosted Flakes
5. Special K
6. Raisin Bran
Computer (mobile cart) Students will be placed into groups of three and create a bar graph on the Internet comparing the salt, fat and sugar of all three breakfast cereals (one graph comparing the salt, one graph comparing the fat, one graph comparing the sugar)
Computer and Projector This will be used by the teacher to show the YouTube video and image steps for students to follow when creating their graphs
Printer This will be used to create a hard copy of each group’s three graphs.
Internet Teacher will use this to access the YouTube video. Students will use this to access the website where they will create and print their graphs.
·      Rate Your Cereal: This will be used as an introduction to the lessons. Students will rank cereals from favorite cereal to least favorite cereal. They will refer back to this sheet at the end of class to see if they will change their ranking.
·      Questions Worksheet: Students will have to answer a set of questions in regards to their graphs to achieve Objective 1
·      Advance Organizer: Students will use this graphic organizer to identify the different parts of a Nutrition Facts label and write notes for each part
·      Data Collection Sheet: Students will use this to record their data for each of their cereals.


YouTube Video The Nutrition Facts Label: Look for It and Use It! This video will give an explanation of the six different parts of a Nutrition Facts label to review students where to find the salt, fat and sugar for their breakfast cereals.
Online Math Tool Make Your Own Bar Graph offers a grade level appropriate way for students to create a bar graph. Is not too tech or language heavy. Students will use these bar graphs to complete Question Worksheet.
E-maze Presentation This presentation will include the YouTube video and will then explain the steps for how to input data onto the website tool.
Bar Graph Review A quick review website for students who need to recall the parts of a bar graph and why it is important.

Require Learner Participation
10 minutes
How will you start lesson –write what you will say, do, and how you will do.

2 minutes
Introduction of class topic and objectives
Write objectives on board
Have students read the objectives out loud
8 minutes
Have students get into groups of three (3) according to abilities.

Rate Your Cereal Activity: This activity will introduce the topic. Each group will be given images of three different breakfast cereals (kid friendly, popular, healthy) with its corresponding Nutrition Facts label. Based on the images, students will complete the “Rate Your Cereal” sheet in terms of favorite and least favorite. Students will return to this sheet at the end of class and rate the cereals based on the information they gather during the lesson. Give students 3 minutes to share how they decided on their ranking with their group. Make sure to remind them when the next member should start sharing. After three minutes, have one or two students share their ranking with the whole class.

43 minutes
Class Activity:
Clear, detailed, steps with examples of what you might ask, say do and how you will do.

3 minutes
Learning About the Nutrition Facts Label: Groups will now be given a few minutes to examine the Nutrition Facts Label on their breakfast cereals. They will be asked to list three things the label tells them about the cereal. Based on their responses, lead them into showing the YouTube video.
Use scratch paper
10 minutes
YouTube Video “The Nutrition Facts Label: Look for It and Use It!”: The video will explain the six (6) different parts of a Nutrition Facts label. Students will be given prior to the video an advance organizer that will help them identify and write notes of the different parts (see advance organizer). This will be done individually. Have groups spend three (3) minutes recapping what each member wrote down. Then have each group share one part of the label and give a brief description. This activity will transition students into being able to identify the salt, fat and sugar amount of each of their cereals.
Objective 2 is met

5 minutes
Salt, Fat & Sugar Data Collection: Students will now collect the data on the amount of salt, fat and sugar found in each of their cereals. They will record their data in a given table on the Data Collection Sheet. Students must be reminded to switch roles. Once groups are done with their data collection, they will be given a computer laptop to create their bar graphs.
Double check data collections

15 minutes
Creating and Analyzing Bar Graphs: Groups will access Make Your Own Bar Graph on the Internet to create bar graphs comparing the amount of salt, amount of fat, and amount of sugar between their three cereals. Groups will print their bar graphs using the printer. Students will have a visual aide of directions on how to create a bar graph using this online tool and can refer to notes and website for further review. 
Powered by emaze
Remind students to first get approval before they print their graphs
10 minutes
 Question Sheet: Once groups have their graphs, they will proceed to answer the questions given to them on the Questions Sheet. Students will be able to differentiate between healthy and not so healthy breakfast cereals. Groups will be asked to share their answers for the questions.
Objective 1 should be met

*Need to find better names for these handouts
7 minutes
Whole class is engaged in a summary that ties together the purpose/meaning and concepts learned from activity – need to see you encouraging students to use the data they found to support their statements.

7 minutes
Rating Your Cereal Again: Students will be given the opportunity to rank their cereals from favorite to least favorite again seeing if the data they collected had any affect on how they view their cereals. Students will discuss their thoughts

Evaluate and Revise
Student Performance:
·      Student/Group performance will be evaluated on how well they worked with their peers throughout the lesson.
·      Group bar graphs will be graded using the following rubric.
·      Group’s Question Sheet will be evaluated using a teacher prepare answer key as the breakfast cereals can vary.

Media Effectiveness:
·      Was the YouTube video an appropriate choice? Were students interested and engaged?
·      Was the online tool to create the bar graphs easy to use for all students?
·      Did the Question sheet get students critically thinking?
·      Did students’ opinions change about the cereals they found to be their favorite although it was found to be unhealthy?
·      Were students familiar with the selection of breakfast cereals? Did this affect their ranking or does this demonstrate the eating habits of the students?

Instructor Performance:
·      Did the lesson run smoothly? Was it well planned (timing)?
·      How did the students respond to the lesson (interested, engaged, bored, etc.)?
·      Were the learning objectives met?
·       What are some improvements?

Rubric for Creating a Bar Graph

Title clearly relates to the information being graphed. It is printed at the top of the graph.
Title relates to the information being graphed and is printed at the top of the graph.
A title is present at the top of the graph.
A title is not present.
Labels are neat and clear and accurately describe the information presented.
Labels are clear and describe the information presented.
The labels are present, but may not describe the information.
Labels are not present
All units are described and are appropriately sized for the data set.
Most units are described and are appropriately sized for the data set.
All units are described, but are not appropriately sized for the data set.
Units are neither described NOR appropriately sized for the data set.
Accuracy of Bars
All bars are correct size and are easy to use.
All bars are correct size and are easy to see.
All bars are correct size.
Bars are not correct OR extra bars were included.


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